Temple Beth Sholom is a vibrant, full-service egalitarian congregation. Our kehillah (community) values congregational diversity and encourages a mix of innovation and tradition by providing uplifting experiences. We are proud of how each member brings their own story to our diverse community. We welcome those who have a multi-generational history at our congregation, those new to the city or Temple Beth Sholom - people of all ages and backgrounds who are seeking a Jewish community - a place to call home.
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https://zoom.us/j/2926069224?, No account is necessary. TBS Members, please check your congregational emails or contact us at TBS for the password. For all others, please fill out this form
Apr 2025
Temple Beth Sholom Continuing Education Committee presents... AIPAC - Israel & The Political Environment with Ambassador Brad Gordon, AIPAC Director Emeritus Tuesday, April 1 at 10:00 am a…
Apr 2025
Temple Beth Sholom Continuing Education Committee presents... The Ritchie Boys with Temple Beth Sholom Members, Jeff Kraus & Al Treidel Sunday, April 27 at 9:30 am at Temple Beth Sholom Re…
What are you doing for Passover this year?
Join us at Temple Beth Sholom, for a Warm-Interactive Seder lead by Rabbi Altshuler and Cantor Neal Taibel
Put a table of eight together, or individuals are welcome to join a table of TBS family members; guests are encouraged to bring a bottle of kosher wine to share with their table. Click Here To Register.
Registration deadline is Friday, April 4, by noon.
Questions? Contact info@tbssrq.org.
We understand that finding the right synagogue is important. Here are just a few reasons that we believe you should join us. Whether you join us for services, Lunch & Learn, yoga, or mah jongg, we look forward to meeting & welcoming you. If you'd like to find out more for yourself, stop by or contact us!
Walk into Temple Beth Sholom, and you will instantly feel welcome. Our community prides itself on being diverse and meeting people where they are. Being part of our kehillah, we will celebrate with and support you during every stage of life. You can also get involved by joining a class such as yoga, a club such as Men's Club, volunteer, or join a committee such as the social action committee. There are also many more opportunities. TBS is a place that you can call home.
With the myriad of programs and events we offer, there truly is something for everyone. Whether you are interested in the Torah, Israel, Hebrew, contemporary Jewish issues, history, or
anything in between, we probably have it. We are dedicated to continuing education and learning together.
Our Rabbi, Dr. Stuart Altshuler, is sure to spark inspiration. Our services are uplifting and steeped in tradition yet are also applicable to our everyday lives.
Tikkun Olam or "repairing the world" (i.e. social action) has always been important in the Jewish faith. TBS continually works with the Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center through donation
drives. We work with All Faiths Food Bank as well and deliver casseroles to the Salvation Army. TBS supports Family Promise as well in providing assistance to homeless families. Reach out to
our social action committee for more ways to get involved.
We are proud partners of The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism as well as The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee. Additionally, we are part of "Dalet" which is a consortium of several synagogues of all denominations in the area. We collaborate with each of these groups to achieve a tight-knit Jewish community.
Temple Beth Sholom is a safe place to explore your identity. Rabbi Altshuler's door is always open to discuss Jewish thought or life in general. Our mix of services, programs, and events are sure to aid you in finding something of interest.
TBS is part of the Helping Hands Program at Beneva Flowers & Gifts.
When placing an order online: when entering the payment information, look for the little box on the right that says, "This is a Helping Hands Order." A box on the left comes up, and you scroll down to get "Temple Beth Sholom and Jewish Center." Or use code Y74 when you call!
A percentage is given back to the Temple, and those donations are deposited into the General Fund.
This is at no additional charge to you.