
Rabbi Stuart Altshuler

Shalom and Baruch Haba! I am thrilled to begin my tenure as rabbi of Temple Beth Sholom. My goal is to make this marvelous congregation a center of Jewish learning, activity, commitment, and devotion to the highest standards of our Jewish tradition. I am a native of Los Angeles, California, having spent the past decade and more in London, UK, as the spiritual leader of Belsize Square Synagogue. 

It is certainly good to be home in our beloved America. I was ordained as a rabbi by the Jewish Theological Seminary (New York City) in 1980 and have been a member of the Rabbinical Assembly since then. I love what I do and hope to bring a fair share of compassion and enthusiasm into this already vibrant congregation. My passions are Jewish life, Judaism, Israel, and trying to make a difference in this troubled world, in addition to my love of music, sports, traveling, and reading. 

If you are interested, I am the author of the book, From Exodus to Freedom:  a History of the Soviet Jewry Movement in America, and I look forward to doing what I love the most –teaching. Working on behalf of the freedom of Soviet Jews and on behalf of Israel was a significant part of my rabbinic past.

I look forward to meeting you and welcoming you all to our beautiful synagogue. Don't hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions and would like to talk at


Cantor Neal Taibel

Cantor Neal Taibel received his Master’s in Sacred Music degree and ordination from the H.L. Miller Cantorial School at Jewish Theological Seminary in May. He is also a graduate of the Frost School of Music at the University of Miami, with a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance. A classically trained tenor, he was born and raised in Houston, Texas. Neal has been blessed to have been mentored by Cantor David Propis and Cantor Meir Finkelstein, at Congregation Beth Yeshurun, where he has been leading full Shabbat services, in the Cantors’ absence, since he was 15 years old.

In his senior year, at the University of Miami, Neal was honored to be asked to lead full High Holiday services at the Miami Hillel. During his time in Miami, he performed in several fully staged operas and opera scene programs.

Neal has led High Holiday services at Congregation Ahavas Chesed in Alabama, helped lead a High Holiday family service program at Congregation Shaarey Tzedek in Detroit and has returned to the Miami Hillel to lead full High Holiday services. He has served as Cantorial Intern at Brotherhood Synagogue in New York City for the past two years.

Neal completed a semester living and studying in Jerusalem, where he was privileged to be immersed in Israeli culture for an extended period of time.

Neal’s great passions are singing on the bimah, performing opera, and following his hometown sports teams, especially the Rockets and Astros. He is humbled and honored to have the opportunity to make a difference in the Jewish community, by helping others experience the inspirational gifts of Jewish music and prayer. You can reach Cantor Taibel at 

Nancy Hendricks, Business

Kelly Nester, Rabbinical

Troy Jones, Marketing & Media

Susan Debronsky, Office

Duane Rushing, Facilities

Kathy Burt, Catering